

I am human being, just like you.

I am a human being, just like you,
You have things and dreams to fulfill,
I cry alot, haven't you too,
I have good and bad days just like you.I have bills and responsibilities, just like you.

I get sick and tired and have moments of weakness,just like you,
I suffer loss and deserve sympathy, space, and grace to go through all the stages of grief in my own time at my own pace just like you.

I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.
Please expect less from me,
I have a lot I'm going through just like you,

If you expect Alot, I'm sorry to disappoint you,
Just Because you expect me to be brave,care and show so much love, doesn't mean I can pretend to be one,I do things in my own way.

Just like a wonderful gift may not be wrapped as you expected,we are in this same world together.
