

"WHY "
Why Why do people start what they can't finish ?
Why do people make promises they can't keep?
Why do the day make way for the night ?
Yet we still happen to have an eclipse?
Why do we prove sane when we can go insane ?
Why be in control when you can lose control?

Why do we want and need at the same time
Yet we cannot have ?
Why are preacher's always hypocrites ?
Why do we blame all our wrongs on the Devil ?
Why do we need motivation?
Why don't we create inspiration
That will lead us to our destination ?
Why are we born real yet live a fake life?

Why do we have black and white
Yet get the colour gray ?
Why do we make wrong decisions and regret later ?
Why do we show attitudes
Instead of giving our gratitude ?
Why get jealous when we could have trust?
Why give trust when your could get hurt ?
Why love when you could get heart broken ?

Why stay alive when you'd still die ?
Why try when you'd still fail ?
Why stand when you'd still fall ?
Why laugh when you could also cry ?
Why believe when you don't have faith ?
Why commit when you are not loyal ?

Why fall in love when you can stand or even sit on it ?
Why differentiate between dreams and imagination ?
Why fight when you can get along ?
Why hate when you can love ?
Why give up when you can keep on trying ?
Why die when you can also live ?

Why cry when you can keep on smiling?
Why cheat when you can remain loyal?
Why grieve when we can celebrate?