

The Clock Watches

Tick tock, tick tock,
The rhythm of the clock,
A steady beat, a constant sound,
The passage of time all around.

From dawn's first light to twilight's hush,
I count the moments, in stillness and rush.
The sun ascends, the moon descends,
The world revolves, and time transcends

I witness the rhythms of existence,
The patterns of life,in their persistence.
The birth of a child, the death of a man,
The cycle of life, in its grandest plan.

I've measured joy, and I've marked the tears,
The passing of months, the fleeting years.
In every heartbeat, in every rhyme,
I echo the cadence of fleeting time.

I witness the seasons come and go,
The changing landscape, the world's ebb and flow.
The blooming of flowers, the falling of leaves,
The tapestry of life, as time's loom weaves.

Tick tock, tick tock,
the rhythm goes on,
So listen closely, and you may hear,
The symphony of time, so loud and clear.

© Thoth