

Write a poem about a time that your illusions of someone or something were shattered.
I had a friend once in my school days,
He was a friend in my good and bad ways.
We had met on a restaurant,
Before I was to leave.
I traveled abroad,
Because my career was there.
We had promised to meet,
After I come back here.
While studying out of states,
I thought of making contact,
He wont pick up, won't even talk back,
Maybe he has left the act.
No status, no update,not even a simple chat.
I was shattered to feel this pain,
By letting go of illusions, reality was gained.
Nobody is anybody's friend ,was learned that day.
I wanted to strangle the man when I got back.
To grab his collar, and demand some words.
But I was too late,he was no longer there.
He had died of cancer,
Which he didn't tell me that day,
He had given up all hope for now.
I could have helped him by every means every way.
But he knew that I will lose my career if I had to stay.
I was the one who left him, not the other way.
He was my best friend,not the other way around,
When I realized the truth, I collapsed on the ground.
Now I am sitting with his photo frame, all illusion gone.
with the desire to see him in my afterlife ,keeps me moving on.
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