

even as i closed my eyes
i can hear closing and opening of doors,
the fan moving, the broom sweeping,
clanking of cups,
filling the water pot
going upstairs, coming down,
drawing water from the river,
all kinds of sounds,
word birds hover over me
building nests.
a breathing corpse dosent decompose,
it floats afmist words like a boat,
like a ship on the seas
i am breathing.,
even breath is a sound,
an unformed word.
i breathe a mixture of sounds
emotions behind struggles, tears, war sounds.
a body with closed eyes is not a corpse
it is a warship,
a forest unenveloped in darkness,
a river drowned in a forest,
the wind touches me,
opens doors, enters and gets out
i breathe life..
my body fertilizes like a field
becomes a fundamental element
even when limbs break and hopes shatter it revives itself,
history too grows with my body
my body dosent disintegrate , waste itself, it discovers, it atomizes.
the word from my womb lashes like sea waves,
encompases like the sky,
and brings down showers like a cloud.
just as a word takes a root in man
man too takes root in words.
the body bears word fruits,
sends out word arrows.
body is not for us to ride on,
body is free,
like a watchful hound
it hurts for it,s independence
assertingits own person.
come close, listen carefully.
dont you hear the twang of word arrows from body,
the roars from the pen?
the body an unextinguished fire in a forest burns
touch my body,
you will be ignited, electrified.
a touch of this body
will touch you,
move you to revolt.