

Wake Up!!!
Stephen, are you awake?
You didn’t forget, did you?
Come down from outer space
open those eyes of blue!!
You didn’t think we would die?
Without a fine farewell
we are here to dine
we are here from the depths of hell!
Begging mercy from us now
is like mercy from a stone,
wake up!! Wake up right now!!
It’s us and you alone!!

“God damn it, let me sleep!
It’s been too many nights
take my soul!! You can keep
all the light from my life!
What was done I didn’t mean
please, my mind is broken
all my apologies
just seem so little and token
no matter what I say
no matter how I yell
no matter how I pray
it’s always Hell Hell Hell!
If you’re going to take my life
just rip my body in two
I can’t keep up this fight,
please do what you must do!!”

Oh no my guilty man
we are only playing
20 more years is the plan
for your souls decaying
we won’t let you go
not tonight or forever
you will be ours below
oh no, we are forever together!!


© StephenPuls1970