

in the morning I love kick my love in full
Sun beats all around you in a baby form you were born good light I see threw the water a twinkle of life bares down threw my eyes shown shining on my eyes I see you friends saying hf hear to I see more pictures we came across the life you opened a door to door of happiness to me I'm just family a one person that keeps quiet but I love you to max I linger to you it's like I can't get to you like a different breed to me I say winters long but the best in seasons see fall see snow white clouds on ground I see you in mourning winter morning fall I calapse my heart pounds ten in pounds of weight I see hug one person showing love like your electric lights pop out like there out WOW the way you are choirs sings like so but teacher you madd the song Sight for sore I nest up in a tree see more as go in come that's a page that's written for the Gods you are a maker of my drink fill me up grey I turn but Sweet red flows out seeing you day after night Night to pasterers i wind next to my drink deep sleep nowing alive alive I am hear for you my dream.