

Black woman Don’t be a show

Black woman
Don’t be a show
Don’t take a dare
From a white woman
From any white woman
Who envies you…
Who uses her microaggressions against you
Who cries white tears to get you in trouble…
Have some dignity and respect
For yourself…
You can say no to that bitch and her klan…
You don’t owe them…
Don’t let them dehumanize you….
Know your worth
Know who you are…
You can’t let them make you a fool
In front of public eyes….
You ain’t their entertainer…
They should entertain themselves…
How about you tell them
To act like a clown….
To be dumbfounded
Instead of havin your inferiority
Makin them uncomfortable
Inferiories are your insecurities that have
You beggin for their...