

Im cutting the strings,
and I'm untying the knots,
to Hell with your forget me nots,
digging up everything I need to
all the way to these deepest tip of the. roots,nothing left untouched or felt,
and as. they die away all that are
sick and spreading to another, that
are keeping me sick and bounded
to all I've known,and have been the reason I haven't been able to fly like
the eagle I was born to be ,,I was the one whom never flew,was left to burn and die
alone, never to be loved again
just forgotten to all the ones who was posed to care, what happen when I needed them then I'll never know, but right now, I've got God &hes got me
and with that I'm better then I'll
ever be, thanks to him picking me up
my wings have been repairing
and I've been healing inside as well
been through things that
are hard to explain, yet are so very real,
just watch me soon ill be flying away
and nomatter what happens,I know
everything gonna be Otay
cause if Noone else comes in my path
it's Me & God till the last!♡♡♡

© Kimb8343