

🥀 Funny how a time that feels like forever can feel like split second at the same time.
🥀 I find myself searching for the spark that once existed from every touch you gave me.
🥀 I fear being alone but the urge and longing I once had for you is now nothing but a pile of deserted ahes.
🥀 Finding myself looking for ways to love you again ignites the burning fire inside that seems to push me away from you and rapidly burn down every bit of memory I have of us.
🥀 The depth of the vacancy residing in my heart makes me wonder if you occupied it at all. I'm left with a wound scaring into a dark hole I'm afraid I won't be able to contain.
🥀 Reliving the old moments shatters my sanity and questions my ability to reason. How prompt did the question move from
how do I live without you? to
how do I survive with you?
🥀 The last task I request of you is to let me go, because if left to me, I will only FADE but never LEAVE.

© @Tamara N