

Some childhood memories and you
-4) While walking in the garden with you, I unintentionally touched a honey bee which was kissing the flower. Its sting got stuck in my skin and it died. I wasn't sad that I was in pain, I mourned because the honey bee died due to my carelessness. You told me that protecting yourself and your family demands life. We die to seek vengeance. We die to protect our lives.

-3) Being curious, I always bothered you, trying to find answers to my queries. You always smiled and told me that unlike others, you are not bothered by my questions and that I should keep on asking. You taught me that the area of every circle in the world is πr². Despite being different in sizes and having unequal radii, all the circles are held together by a constant 'π'. Just like our existence.

-2) I used to think that sun, moon and earth were circles. I used to think sun drowns and falls for the earth, then it rises again for the sake of its love. You snatched away misconception from my mind and made me understand that it is earth which revolves around the sun in love, neither drowning nor rising, believing that the sun is in love with it too.

-1) Whenever I asked you to tell me a story, you always talked about the river. I used to listen to you and found that river inside you. Born from a fresh spring, people threw litter upon you as you grew up. They suppressed your flow. You got separated from the other part of you but you let it go, seeing the beauty of delta. Rain of happiness and sorrows fell upon you, you accepted them all. All the supression ended and you finally became an ocean, flowly freely. There is calmness even in your storm.
Just emerged from a spring, I met an ocean, you.

0) You told me so many things, yet forgot to tell me everything. I see myself straggling to find the answers to the questions you left. Now, I realise how laggard I am without you. All I am left with are your talks and muse, they are my favourite things to ponder upon yet my mind grasps them slowly.

1) I saw you flowing in ocean, gradually diminishing from my sight. I tried to touch you, you smiled and kept on flowing to meet the sky, until you finally faded into a flickering star.

2) You pretended that you love me, making sure that I don't unlove you. Now that you made me revolve around you, you left without even thinking about your love. I still revolve around you.

3) Now, the entire earth lies beneath your feet. Is your existence still the same? I still see a circle beneath my feet while you see a sphere. You never told me that the area of a sphere is four times greater than that of a circle. Does that makes difference between our existence? Is that what beautifies death?

4) You told me that we die to seek vengeance and protection. You forgot to tell that sometimes we die only for the sake of death.

© Amaara