

The Little Mouse Of....(part 2)
Let's revisit the little mouse of verona
he was such a cheeky chap
he lived somewhere by a quiet riverbank
I just hope I can find the map.

That little mouse of verona
now walks with a wooden cane
which somehow turns into an umbrella
whenever it starts to rain.

That little mouse of verona
still entertains the passers by
he's changed a few things in his routine
I guess we will never know why.

That little mouse of verona
now wears top hat and tails
he can always go back to opera singing
if any of his new adventures fail.

That little mouse of verona
used to throw parties in the park
I wonder if he still does them
shall we stay until it gets dark?

That clever, talented little mouse
has moved and finally set up home
he now lives on a boat by a big canal
and is called "The Little Mouse Of Rome"

( from the works of Jason Carr)

© Jaycarr1971