

My Crush
When I first saw him
I was unknown to him
It was in a crowded place
With dusty classrooms
I was just a girl of 14
He become my first admirer

Days passed and I reached to standard 6th
He was now at the same level in a classroom
My time was spent by staring secretly at him
He was a cool guy with 18
I only feels him in my heart
Like a little cat I secretly fall in love with him

Days passed and years went
Now I was at nineth
He was turning into a man
A handsome guy with whom lots of girls were into,
My feelings for him increases day by day
But so timid to express

That was the time where I need to see him,
In every seconds of a day
Used to miss him in his absence from class
My heart beats only for him on those days
'Twas so secretive just between me and my heart;

Days went and now I was at my final stage.
Not a single word we utter until that day
Time comes for our departure
None of us said good byes to each other
Nor he congratulates me in my matric.

Now I was at a place where none of my friends live,
It was my new beginning to step into higher level;
Now everything was changed,
Friendship,schools, peoples,place
All was new to me

Years went without seeing him
But still can't get rid him out of my mind,
Still thinking, still missing as before
In the middle of the crowded street
Where I could forget him ,
Starting to admire another

There was none in my heart as before,
Whom I want all through my life
He was like my respiratory
In every single second of my day
My life was nothing without
His pesence in my mind

It was a mid-summer
When I met him
In a busy street
We both were in hurry
We got only a time to shook hand
And nothing more.

Oh! how lucky was the day
It was my first conversation with him
In my life,
But time runs so quick
That we can't even get to discuss anything
But still my heart is happy by seeing him.

My heartbeat for him increases
Now this was the time
To realize my own feelings
That I only want him
Not as lover but need him forever,
And finally my conscience was clear
That he was only a guy
Whom I'm having a longest crush.