

When I'm gone, let these words remain,
A testament to Ghana's cultural terrain.
For in the heart of our nation, lies the key,
Cultural education, shaping destiny.

"Sɛ wo werɛ fi na wosankofa a yɛnkyi," we say,
Learning from the past, paving the way.
But in the midst of progress, shadows loom,
Illegal mining, corruption's gloom.

Teachers, like pillars, uphold the light,
Guiding young minds through day and night.
But when greed tarnishes the land we cherish,
Their efforts falter, ideals perish.

Parents, guardians of our legacy,
Plant seeds of tradition, strong and free.
Yet corruption's grasp, like a tightening fist,
Threatens the values they've tirelessly kissed.

Chiefs, custodians of ancestral lore,
Their wisdom echoes forevermore.
But when bribery stains their noble call,
The very fabric of culture may fall.

MPs, assemblymen, leaders in name,
Your actions fuel Ghana's flame.
But when corruption erodes trust and hope,
The seeds of progress struggle to cope.

DCEs and MCEs, builders of dreams,
In your hands, the nation gleams.
Yet when pockets are lined with tainted gold,
The future falters, the story untold.

"Ɛsa bɛn na yɛretwa akyerɛ nkyirimma?" we ask,
What will the child become? A beacon it a cask?
Elders, wisdom's keepers, with stories to impact,
Illuminate the path, shaping minds and hearts.

In the classroom, on the streets, in the halls of power,
Cultural education blooms, a fragrant flower.
For in understanding our roots, our history, our lore,
We find the strength to soar, to strive, to explore.

So when I'm gone, let it be known,
Cultural education, a cornerstone.
For in its embrace, Ghana shall thrive,
When we keep our heritage alive.

Long Live Ghana,
Long Live our motherland.

© Christopher Christborn Obeng-Manu