

Crystal Wings
In the pearly night of June,
when everybody is used to be at shores;
I was sitting at my balcony
reviewing the starlight dance.
Such a grace and enthusiasm
even being static there.
"How beautiful!" I thought.
But my thoughts were interrupted
when I saw a pair of crystal shining wings coming towards me.
"Is it a dream?!" "Of course how could it be real?!"
But it wasn't a dream
and for the fist time;
I was very happy being wrong.
'Cause when the "man in black suit"
took out his hand for me;
I felt the warmth, and suddenly
an enchanting rythem started to play.
I didn't even thought once and,
joined him in the diamond valley.
I felt myself gaining magic
while swimming across in his ocean blue eyes.
For the first time I was not thinking of anyone else, it was just me there.
And the night sky was continually playing the rythem of stars;
In which it was difficult to found ourselves back.
Just the night breeze and the moonlight!
Closing my eyes I let the night and music take me.
Flowing in that endless delight,
I woke up.
"No other day was as beautiful as today's day was going to be!" My premonition which always works.
And soon when I opened my house door,
I saw the blue eyed man;
carrying an angel's statuette with crystal wings!
Such a beautiful poem to write!
-Gracy Gohil
(Comment for a magical part 2)

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