

Ahhh, Language Barriers.
This little ole Chinese Lady walks into her usual bank, but this time she's fuming mad!
She waddles up to the teller, with the speed of a pissed off mother hen, Social Security check in hand and slams it down on the counter with her I.D.
'What dis? What dis? Noo good! Check always $953.00 not $920.00 No good! What happened?'
The teller takes her I.D. and types up some information on the screen. Grabs the check and looks at it. Looks at the screen. Looks at the little Chinese lady. Looks at the screen again. Looks at the check and finally back at the little Chinese lady and say, 'I don't know. Fluctuations?!!'

The little ole Chinese lady looks at the teller real hard and after a moment says, ' Fluck you white people too'.
