

Environment..Be responsible!!
Looked left and right
Surprised by human thought
Too lazy to know what's right
Or maybe it's pride they're unable to fight
To pick a litter doesn't require might

In simple math,one in every eight
Throws rubbish in right place
And that to environment is a delight
But one in eight isn't enough

You smoke in a daylight
Carelessly throw the cigarette butt
Later the day fire and smoke fright
Burning buildings to their height
Hundreds died,that's saddening
Shame is that they have insight
About cancer and respiratory illness
Yet it is right to be wrong

Oddly,global warming is alright
Environmentalists write and write
Show it harm and weight
Species going distinct on eyesight
We hear it straight by the night
Foolishly do it again by sunlight
Smoke..smoke..smoke are we really alright

Just be responsible
Put litter in the garbage if you're able
Smoke less..of that you are capable
Many lives saved...lovable
To this rotten world,nature isn't adaptable
Protect it and be reliable
We need it and that isn't debatable
Protect the environment, be responsible
Be Responsible..!
Don't be irresponsible..!

© -Daud A.M ✍