

Journey to Freedom...

In shadows cast by walls of stone, they stood,
A heart ablaze with dreams misunderstood.
With shackles bound, in darkness they did dwell,
But whispered in their hearts, a tale to tell.

Through nights of doubt, their spirit held its ground,
In search of freedom, they would not be bound.
Each step they took, a battle to be won,
Against the setting of the unforgiving sun.

They scaled the peaks of mountains high and steep,
And crossed the rivers wide, in waters deep.
With every hardship faced, they grew more strong,
Their journey for freedom, it was lifelong.

In the face of tyranny, they found their voice,
A symphony of courage, their souls rejoice.
With unity and hope, they stood as one,
Their battle for freedom was far from done.

Through storms and tempests, they would not be swayed,
Their spirits soared as high as birds in flight.
For in their hearts, the flame of freedom burned,
A beacon in the darkness, never spurned.

And when at last, they glimpsed the light ahead,
The chains of oppression fell, the captors fled.
In triumph, they emerged from shadows cast,
Their journey for freedom, victorious at last.

A testament to strength, to human will,
The journey for freedom, an uphill hill.
Against all odds, they dared to take a stand,
And in the end, they found their promised land.
© S.A.Behera's