

You've have kept hundreds of books,old perfume bottles,and thousand of photographs in your heart,❤
there's room for many things but,
no Space for me?😢.

you have so many choices to love but ,
you still choose not to love me 💔.

when i enter a cafe everything that used to smell good now fell like history to me,
a past that i thought which meant to keep us happy now fell like bond to separate us.😞

A post card that have been kept on table and a old clocks hanging on the walls,
they used to look beatiful but now it fell like it is about to find new couple.👨‍👩‍👦

I wonder how many lover have entered this place before held hands,madly in love with each other, just like we used to do but now i fell frustrated to even look at them 😢.

my heart was made of art you could have change it and make beautiful but you choose to make it even worse.💔

I'd cry in front of you many times,
and you'd hug me ,so l'd stop,
if you have cared enough to hug me then,
why didn't you care enough to stop hurting me ?.💘

The flower🍀 you gave me are kept in between the pages of books,which l have love all my life.📖
l pretend not to love you anymore but,i always catch myself opening those books which were meant to kept close.📕

I wasn't there when you needed me😞,
it was your mistake and so was mine,
all i want was all your love and care but ,
still you choose to gave it to someone else💝.

inspired from Rithuik singh who have written thish in quotes form .

Thank for reading my poem have a great day🙇‍♂️😁and may your wishes come true😉.

© i don't know much about poem but also i find it interesting to write 😁😁