

Different places with different rules,
different views and different opinions,
solemn seas shining stars, far away from human sight.
Stayed up above the earth, deep down under the ground.
The stars appears when its dark, so in darkness you can find light.
When darkness appear no more is the day the world ends forever.
sometimes we look up into the void just to think of nothing,
imagining nothing that we haven't thought of.
If we can't get something we want in reality,
why can't we imagine we have it.
we design our imaginations ourselves so to us,
it what we see as reality being created in our heads.
we may think of the past,
sometimes we laugh,
sometimes we shed a tear
Why can't we make it an illusion
just to fill our hearts with our own reality that exists somewhere else.
We get depressed by many things,
nevertheless joy is always around the corner.
Only if we can find it.
people search for happiness instead of joy,
Happiness come within a short period of time while joy is more lasting.
Our hearts must be at peace everytime
only if we create our own different world within ourselves.