

Now He
Once a godly man, lost in shadows deep,
His heart led astray, his soul began to weep.
Adulterous ways, a path he did tread,
Self-hatred consumed him, filling him with dread.

But amidst the darkness, a flicker of light,
A strength deep within, ready to ignite.
He faced his demons, fought the addiction's hold,
With every step forward, his spirit grew bold.

Through trials and struggles, he found his way,
A beacon of hope, he refused to stray.
He overcame the odds, against all strife,
And emerged victorious, reclaiming his life.

Now he stands tall, with a heart that's healed,
A story of redemption, forever sealed.
No longer vermin, but a man reborn,
He found his way back home, where love was sworn.

© Aziah In Thought