

In the heart of India's vast expanse,
A tale of struggle, a poignant dance.
Amidst the dust of dreams untold,
Lies a narrative of stories bold.

In the villages where echoes fade,
Poverty's grip, a silent cascade.
Families yearning, hopes deferred,
Yet resilience in each unheard word.

Fields whisper tales of toil and sweat,
As aspirations in shadows are set.
Children with dreams in innocent eyes,
Navigate hardships under vast skies.

City streets bustling, a symphony of need,
Where poverty's silence continues to plead.
Striving for a brighter dawn's embrace,
A yearning for change, a hopeful chase.

Yet in unity, strength quietly grows,
A spirit resilient against endless throes.
For within the struggles and shadows cast,
Lies the essence of a resilience vast.

So let us weave a tapestry anew,
Of empathy, understanding, breakthrough.
Together, lift the burden, share the weight,
Illuminate lives, eradicate the fate.