

Nothing Nex
Nothing Nex

In the realm of words, let us explore,
A theme of emptiness, nothing more.
A concept so elusive, yet often perplexing,
Let us delve into the abyss, uncover its essence.
Nothing Nex, a state unknown,
In its depths, a world of its own.
A void of meaning, devoid of form,
An enigma, a conundrum that can't be torn.
In the space between thoughts, where silence is king,
Nothing Nex emerges, with a silent zing.
It whispers in the winds, as shadows dance,
A phantom presence, in a mystic trance.
No boundaries or limits, it stretches afar,
Revealing a universe, where wonders spar.
No substance, no substance, just an ethereal hue,
Nothing Nex is both empty and true.
In the stillness of night, in the hush of the day,
It lingers, it lingers, like a ghostly ray.
It paints its canvas with invisible strokes,
Creating a masterpiece, where all logic chokes.
But perhaps, just perhaps, Nothing Nex is not what it seems,
A cosmic riddle, a vehicle for dreams.
For in the absence of something, we find the potential,
In the emptiness, creativity, so essential.
So let us embrace the void, the emptiness within,
And let imagination unfold, as we begin,
To wander through the vastness, with eyes wide open,
Discovering the magic that Nothing Nex has spoken.
For in this rhyme, in these words we've penned,
We've captured a glimpse of the elusive trend,
Of a concept so abstract, yet too real to ignore,
The enigma of Nothing Nex, forevermore.
© Oyama Sibidla ™