

mischievous lady t
A mischievous lady, full of glee,
With sparkling eyes, as bright as can be.
Her laughter, like a bubbling brook, is so free,
Echoing through the valley, under the old oak tree.

She dances with the wind, wild and carefree,
In fields of gold, as far as the eye can see.
In her world, there's no place she'd rather be,
Her spirit, like a bird, forever flying free.

Beneath her mischief, there's more to see,
A heart that's pure, as deep as the sea.
She loves with a passion, as wild as a spree,
Her emotions running wild, like a bumblebee.

Oh, this mischievous lady, a mystery, she'll always be,
An enigma wrapped in laughter, as delightful as can be.
Her charm is infectious, it's easy to agree,
She's a beacon of joy, for you and me.