

It's been a long time since I felt myself.
The shivering wind, rustling leaves, and lonely moon.
I am here walking alone looking at others.
Feeling guilt and regret about things I shouldn't
Closing and keeping my heart safe
But beats of my heart betray me
I close my eyes, restricting my mind to not thinking about you
Alash!! My heart craves love which I can't give
Scared and worried I ran around the maze
A maze full of evil, I am stuck there
I bleed red and black, there's no solution to it
Since small we are been fed codes
To work and live as them
Inside the rat race, you chase others
Competing, fighting, and killing, but when did the race turn to them vs me
Jealousy, envy, and anger are strong emotions hidden underneath my pillow
Truth or lie, life or death, love or hate all are divided by people
But whom to trust and whom to not?
Life wasn't like this before, nobody taught us the untold lessons
Nobody beside you to see your pain
All you know is some strangers pretending to know you
Who are you?
What are your thoughts?
The world pushed me into it's dark side
The fight between me and myself
Whom to support and whom to kill?
A confused little kid bleeds in paper waiting for her questions to be answered.
But she was shushed by the monster!!


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