

The rain can't wash away my dirt
All the tears and hurt
Can't was off the shime
Take away the grime
Wash away the crime
What you did to me
That brought on this intrepid memory
You took something special from me
My innocence
I put up resistance
Your insistence
You took it anyway
As you used me, you just laughed away
Left me bruised battered and just walked away
No one would believe me
Because you were high society
Why would I lie
You left me bruised and battered and wanted to die
It's a struggled just to get by
I really try
I just cry and cry and want to die
I keep asking why
Why me
Some take a little of you
Some a little more
Well you took it all
Now there's nothing for me to give
To someone
To anyone
And nothing for me
You took everything from me
And it still wasn't enough
You had to take my dignity too
You had to make me say
It all over again
The pain
The utter indignity
Of you staring back at me
As I recounted your deed
I just bleed
Now no one believes me
Your free
And I sit here on floor
Can't go anymore
I cut to take this pain
Blood washed away
By rain