

The City Unknown
Once upon a distant day, in a city unknown,
I arrived with dreams, in this place on my own.
How swiftly did time slip, through my fingers so carefree,
Unaware that a connection would soon bind me.

This city, it whispered secrets, in its winding streets,
Yet, little did I know, it held love's sweet retreats.
I left my heart behind, unknowing of the news,
That it would weep for me, my heart, it would bruise.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months,
Every passing moment, a melody that haunts.
Oh, how swiftly time flew, since yesterday's arrival,
Now, it's time to leave, departing with a heavy sigh.

The news of my departure, it spread like wildfire,
Leaving behind a city, that would forever inspire.
Memories etched within, as I bid a tearful adieu,
From yesterday to today, a bond, forever true.

But the city remains, with tales yet untold,
Of a love that blossomed, in its streets of gold.
Though I may leave, my heart will always stay,
In this city of dreams, where fate paved my way.

So, farewell to the city, that captured my soul,
A chapter closes, as a new one takes its toll.
The echoes of our love, in the wind they'll blow,
From yesterday to today, our story, it shall glow.