

Using you to help me or so I thought
I feel my heart is wrenching and ask myself is it all worth it? The pain... the crying... the anguish. I'm buried so deep within my own solitude that it scares me... I begin to fall for him, but I believe it's all going to come down to me just falling for the attention. Im so deep within my own cocoon that my wings are bitter and decaying. So far down the rabbit hole that will claim either my red heart and play me along like a card game. The hand that brushes my hair aside like you do with the guitar strings.
Am I being played like an instrument...
Am I only drawn towards the affection you show me like a puppy.....
I claimed the person before you my first love, but were they really just my first set in a game that I lost....
We're pending
Your words not mine
Did you know they affected me?

© Magnolia Koya