

I have been hiding for so long;
That I have forgotten to admit that I belong;
I am part of a community;
That finally accepts my individuality;

Why is it so hard to accept;
It's not that much of a big step;
I have been trying my whole life;
But all I get in return is a knife;

I have been cutting myself open every single day;
Ripping my heart out just to relive the pain;
The pain that is killing me from the inside but not reaching the outside;
On the surface I look all happy;
But that is not reality;
This is all just a play;
That I put on every single day;
Just to be able to say that I am okay;
When we all know that that is far from what I meant to say;

I have tried;
And I am tired;
Tired of all of your shitty excuses;
To hide what the truth is;

Change it if you don't like it;
But I am tired;
We are all people;
And what you said did not help me heal;

I am sorry if I hurt you;
But at the same time, screw you.

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