

life or game?
I thought it's just a life,
but it turned into a game..!
a game where more number of people fight for everything except what is needed.
i thought to quit not physically but mentally...
But without my knowledge i became a player..
A player who doesnt know the next step.
As I started ,
I thought to become a main player and show my skills..
but at the next moment realized that all became the main players..
there is tough competition of winning..
I thought let me try to be unique
but came to know it was already tried by all.
how can I play this game?
i have no moves
i have no options
i have no coach

is it only me, plays?
no, there are a lot
some are quite experienced
some are really bad in play
and some became the ministers

Then I decided to do so
ofcourse it's just a play..
benefit is,there is not only one ball and one goal..
there are a lot..
let's have a trail for all
who knows how many goals you can goal!!!


© prathyusha.kaipa(gnanvi)