

still I rise .
Promises were made
But never kept
Everything was great
The more i gave into you
The more you would take.
She numbed her pain
With the only thing
That made her some what feel ok.
Her life felt like it was slowly
slipping away.
The day she lost her dad
She lost herself too.
Its hard to stay on track when the ones she loves the most
Were all taken away too soon.
She trys so hard
to hold back the tears
Her heart is in pieces
And it feels like no one cares.
No matter what she does
She feels unappreciated.
She feels lost
and her mind is totally unclear.
She knows she needs to step out of her comfort zone
fight like shes never fought before
Stop holding back
And let go of her fears.
when she gets that motivation she will show all you haters what she was made to do.
She will make you all proud for
Ever doubting her.
Maybe a little jealous too!
And when she does you better turn and walk the other way.
Because by than you will all be nothing but a piece of dirt
She left behind.
She has a whole army on the other side
And they will move heaven and earth
To make there soldier shine.
That soldier is
© Kaii T