

Mind altering Drug

You came in my life as a friend,
at least that's what I thought...
Unknowing your intentions
I treated you like a best friend

I thought you would be there
for me no matter what.
And that you'll always have my back
In good times and in bad.

Days passed into a year,
Our bond was getting stronger and stronger and i got blinder and blinder in your love.
we both decided will never let go of each other.

You introduced me to your family
Your mom  cocaine, Sweet and wicked
Your dad heroin, looked younger than you.They both made a beautiful couple.

But something felt so wrong, as if you were trying to harm me in some way at that time I believed my intuition, and fled away now knowing that my decision was right.

By Stacey Rebello

#poet #poetsociety #writersofinstagram #writingcommunity #drugaddiction #drugaddicts #drugfreeindia #drugabuse #addiction #narcotics #mentalhealth #addictivesubstance #alcoholism #saynotodrugabuse #drugs


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