

I'm enduring all the pain
I'm trying to hold back my tears
my sacrifices were in vain
cause I can't cry,can't shed a tear

Y'know what's painful?
crying silently?
Yes it is but it's not the worst
The worst thing is when I can't cry at all
even if you want to burst it out,burst it all

I can't cry even in silent
I can't cry even when I hide
Because my eyes will be swollen
and will be seen in my face
I'm not afraid to be found out
I'm afraid to be hurt Im afraid to be effaced

The reason why I want to cry?
Cause I've had enough
The reason why I can't cry?
Cause they would think I overreact

You would say I don't have to worry about them
I don't want to
but they're the reason I want to cry all day long

Why am I sad because of them?
Because they're my everything and I love them
Why am I in pain because of them?
Because I'm just an option to them

Crying is for the weak?
No it's not
It means being strong for long
And being tired after so long

After we cry, we feel refreshed
as if we've let go all the burden we've carried.
So I want to cry cause I'm tired ,
Cause my heart is very heavy

I want to cry to relieve the pain inside me
to remove some thorns that's stuck in me..