

Gods Blessing To Me
Gods Blessing To Me

God wanted me to be a mama
So He first blessed me with a son
Nothing made me any happier
I saw a future of joy and fun!

As a baby I started giving him so much love
What an awesome job God had given me
To raise him up in the way he should go
That privilege I was given was amazing to me!

To hear a little person, calling me mom
To see the wonder in his eyes
I just adored my time with him
He was something special, I realized!

I would have given my life for him
If he could've lived on this Earth
To feel happy and have joy
But he never had much self worth!

I knew things from the beginning
But didn't want to believe they were true
My son wouldn't have a future
Because of anxiety and depression too!

I've tried to accept that he is gone
And his life has taken him away
But now he's privileged to live a better life
We'll surely be together again someday!