

Reflecting on YOUR walk to the Cross;
Your father looked away from you for HE abhorred the cloak of sin wrapped around you;
Hell did a happy dance for more than a moment there, it seemed The GOD SON had come to the world and fallen like the world's people;
YOU knew all these yet YOU didn't summon the Angel Armies to jiggle all of earth and hell even but a moment;
YOU walked to that cross like a slave, YOU were nailed like a thief;
For a moment, we thought it was over but then GOD's ways are not our ways;
We killed YOU because we didn't understand that YOU were actually our hope of all glory;
The world was plunged into darkness, the heavy temple drapes ripped strategically by invisible hands when YOU gave up YOUR SPIRIT;
War in Hades, the devil knew he had celebrated too quickly, victory over death, we still didn't get it;
Your Mother, Bless her heart, She remembered the "Angel saying "Blessed are you among women", she didn't feel blessed today;
If only she knew, if only we knew, YOU had conquered darkness forever;
We will begin to understand on Sunday...

#GoodFriday # CHRISTObedience #Death #Pain #UnreqiutedLove
© Uyioghosa