I Am Autumn
By Tahir N Mughal
Itz Autumn time here
Paling leaves divorced by their faithless branches
Falling shivering
Cursing their sad fate
This is the season of true nature
Uncoloured undecorated unattractive
So is the real life
It's the fakeness of the spring
That lures like an insatiable maiden
With its temporal beauty
Drugs with its intoxicated perfumes
Leaves in a lethal tranquility
By Tahir N Mughal
Itz Autumn time here
Paling leaves divorced by their faithless branches
Falling shivering
Cursing their sad fate
This is the season of true nature
Uncoloured undecorated unattractive
So is the real life
It's the fakeness of the spring
That lures like an insatiable maiden
With its temporal beauty
Drugs with its intoxicated perfumes
Leaves in a lethal tranquility