

Day to Day
How I felt half the day.
Same as yesterday.
Tired of day to day,
the problem that chases,
From the comfort of rest
bring me back home stressed
and never satisfied

Out another day,
I keep the pain at bay,
yet again, i arrive late
sleep later, at the bed tip
at cock crow, i roll,
not rested, only napped,
from my sleep I snapped.

Letter 'D' has been 'pressing' me lately,
today it sat on me
whilst my mind blooded red
from a battle it fed.

My bliss is lone,
delineated, many a cone.
For love and attractions
I Lost my traction.

My face rarely smile
work has taken what's mine.
My free time, my pleasure,
I can't afford a break of leisure.

My belief, my hope,
has my joy.
Am hoping I thrive,
get everyday's drive,
to overcome as I strive.

© Chinekwe Wilson
Photo credit: Unknown Artist on Twitter.com.ng