

I remember the day I met you like it was yesterday
We connected like peas in a pod
We laughed and talked for hours on end
Days rolled into weeks, months and years
Our friendship blossomed like flowers and we became inseparable
The way your face lights up each time you smile fills my heart with joy.
Everytime we talked about love
You became cold and distant
Took me a while to figure it out
Now I know fear is all it was
We're so close and yet so far
Haven't I passed your test?
I know you're scared you might make a mistake
But I'll be right here through it all
The world is ours, baby
We can take it
If only you'd take my hand
Our heart beats as one
Each time I feel your lips on mine
I know you feel it too
So please don't run scared
Let me love you
Like you're the only one in the world.
© Annabelle