

I've been talking to this girl for quite some time

Now the question is when will she be mine

Things are going good we're starting to connect

I'll be your Romeo if you be my Juliet

My personality's my main attraction

With my poems it's a chain reaction

One soft kiss and your body gets weaker

Your heart starts beating yeah you know I'm a keeper

Just an ordinary guy with a different name

What am I saying is I'm not the same

One of a kind yeah you heard that before

Next thing you know you throw him out the door

But with me it's different I'm the one that's staying

Not like them other guys who do all that playing

Any guy can lie and turn out to be a fake

But that's the chance you're going to have to take

Some guys turn out just being a jerk

Cheating on you with some girl at work

Telling you stories when you know their lies

Making you want to give up on guys

Until you met me I'm the guy for you

One of a kind yeah you know that's true

So a new status is what you need to be making

Because you're no longer single you're happily taken

© JT Molina 2010