

Isn't it funny?
Chris Munkres
Isn't it Funny?

Isn't it funny?
How you can go your whole life growing up
Wondering the same neighborhoods
Hitting your favorite hangouts each weekend
Believing you know all of the friends of your friends
Being able to name people in the crowd
Isn't it funny?
That you can live in the same city, walk the same streets, and never ever notice that one person.
Not knowing that the one person you havent noticed, would end up being the one?
The one who could make you smile, make you laugh, and cheer you up. Even on your darkest of days.
However one day, eventually you will meet.
You will run into each other at the park or store. In the unlikely chance you will be looking for the same thing. Your friends introduce you.
We grew up in the same city, roamed the same neighborhoods. We even had the same friends for years and we never knew of each other.
We both wanted the same things, very true to the point. Our friends even knew what is was. What we wanted the most to last and to hold was each other.

Chris M.