

Sanctuary of Wonders
In a realm where hushed whispers play,
Amidst nature's embrace, my heart does sway,
Where sun-kissed hues paint the skies above,
A sanctuary blooms, inviting me to love.

Through winding paths, soft breezes glide,
Where time dissolves, my worries hide,
Silent symphonies, in rustling leaves,
A tranquil haven, where my soul retrieves.

Ethereal mist on mountains tall,
Enigmatic mistresses, they gently call,
Enchanting veils, a mystic dance,
In their embrace, I find my trance.

A river's embrace, its waters flow,
With tender ripples, my troubles go,
The touch of coolness on my skin,
A healing balm, a soothing hymn.

Amongst the blooms, vibrant and rare,
A secret garden, beyond compare,
Their fragrant whispers, a divine decree,
In nature's arms, I find serenity.

This place of solace, untamed and wild,
Where echoes of my heart reconcile,
In every corner, a story unfolds,
A sanctuary of wonders, yet untold.

© Hircedric