

Everyone knows how their future will be
While I am here trying to figure out how my life will lead me,
I kinda thought of things that I know it's impossible
People treated me like I am invisible.

Slowly, I tried to accept my flaws
I just let the God teach me how pain will flows,
There was a time that I am scared to meet other people
But I realized, it's not okay to push them just because it's painful.

One day I looked at myself in the mirror
Who I really am in the future?
Why I can't see myself being happy with the profession I will choose?
Well maybe because, this will be my lose.

I don't know how can I handle pain and dissapointments
I know this is part of our life requirements,
They said in order to grow we need to hurt people and we committ mistakes,
Can you tell me why my mind is at risk?

Oh.. This is me, a person who's trying to be.
Oh.. This is me, trying to figure out where side I am wrong
But, I realized I am so strong.

I am so strong to the part where I forgived those people who never say sorry to me
I am so strong to the part where I forgived those people who's trying to hurt me.

Who I really am?

That's a question I should start trying to find, because I am sure, I am the one.

© Skyler