

The Orphan's Secret

" They Don't Love me Anymore,
What did I Do to be Born?"

It's Tragedy,
Being A Child in Captivity,
Granted with Various Activities,
That Really Don't Matter to Me ,

It's the Deceptive Lies,
That I Soon Realized,
That This Isn't My Father or Mother,
But A Parental Figure Of Another,

A Systematic Prison For Other Children,
That Codepend On Older Men And Women,
And This Endless in a Simulation That Is just Playpretend,

Come On, Let's Run Away And Play House Together,
I'll play The Mom, You're the Dad, It will get So much Better,
Let Raise a Child we Never ever Had, Tubes Tied, Empty Embryo Egg,
Come on Little Orphan,
Let's Play A Game...

When They Get Older,
Will They Choose, Or Refuse,
The Tragic Abuse,
Of Neglect and Expect,
While Their Real Parents Exit,
Abandon With The Childish Mental,
Left Alone with a babysitter That's Parental,
This Writing Is Consensual,
But Such Cases of Abortions,
A Child's Life Is Distorted,
The Secret is Out now

© HeartofSpade