

Unknown Emotions
Ink on paper & body in story
I say my story in beautiful melody
I see yet not react, my silence is ur answer
My unwelcomed presence are invisible
I'll address you in utter response and react in a certain manner
Today I may be not your cup of success
Its ok , for I feel ur language
Undoubtedly I accept da unknown
For I felt it in a distance, I saw it coming
I'm not going to challenge your choices
But bare in mind your actions
Today I may be discarded
Tomorrow is faith
My faith has always driven me & still
l believe in tell me in my face
Yet I hear strangers call my name
I've become the famous Ri
To even a fly in the streets
That barely knows me
I'm no threat to this world
But a human being trying to live
Yet all I hear is unforeseen words
Thank you world for exposing the true reflections of minds
For now & now I know
I accept and forever hold my peace
Thank you 🤗
For showing me friendship of injury
Thank you 🤗
If you are wounding me without blood traces
I appreciate that I know and accept
I appreciate that I know and accept

© crazy poet