

The Road To Dusty Death 💔
The Newspaper today,
whispers a new tale,
The devil once again,
Snatched de life sail!

Helpppp ! Helpppp !
He yelled, 'I'm being hurt',
Call for de ambulance,
Sadly, none made effort!

Bruish limbs, broken bones,
Turning thee road red,
Screams filling heaven,
Making, de hopes dead!

Roads, as the pretty Moon,
Full of Lunar craters,
Executing many daily,
As de harsh Dictator!

No seatbelt or no helmet,
Isn't a matter of pride,
B/c in the end, it is you,
That whose gonna died!

The Angel in the white,
Out there isn't enemy,
He is there to help you,
Protect from tragedy!

Minutes passing like years,
But none came for aid,
Maybe, a result of bad,
Deeds, for which I've paid!

Zebra crossing on paper,
But not on the roads,
Corruption making ,
progress very slowed!

Unofficial licenses leaving,
Un-Schooled to drive,
Leaving no chance for,
Pedestrians to survive!

No footpaths, causing,
People to loose trust,
Overloaded vehicles,
Causing life to get rust!

Stronger laws and more
Awareness, is be needed,
Please drive slow & safe,
B/c speed thrills, but kills!

Till when we will loose,
These innocent lives ?
Is this just an accident,
Or de Planned Murder!

- By Raj Kashyap..

#Accidents #Roadsafety #Roadawareness #Accidentonplanmurder #Poemonaccident #Death
© @kashyapraj3010