

Have you ever felt like you want to fall from the high
You know there is someone who will stop you from doing so
But still you want to fall in the deepest airy space
Just so that every bit of feeling could crash down into your heart again
And end this numbness of emotions

No, you don't want to crash to the ground
It's just like bungee jumping
One end tied to be back to reality
And you fall tied on other end
The air hitting your face
Passing at different angles
The crispness and sharpness of it
Through your hair and skin

Slowly going down through the clouds
Seeing everything passing rapidly
Feeling every smell surrounding you
Keeping you company before the crash

And then when you are just about to crash
You find yourself pulled back
In the reality of people who cherish you
And now it's time you mend everything
Like it should have been

© Aaria