

Am a ghost,yes no kidding,
I died in the hands of the man I loved,
But now, I hate him,
He took me away from my young life.

You think that's cruel,well it's karma,
He took away my unborn child,my joy
I had only two month,to finally hold my bundle of joy..
My heart gets shredded when ,just thinking about it.

Yes, ghosts have hearts too,
We feel pain and betrayal,
We love and we hate,
We remember of all the injustice we passed through,
That's why am here.

Am standing at the balcony, behind them,
I love the view from up here,ten floors above to be precise,
Tears flow from my eyes, when I remember
The shock in my eyes,when he pushed me,
The smirk on his mistresse's lips...

The police believed them,I had taken away my life,
Am here to get even with them
It's night time,like it was three months ago,
With a smile,I get closer,
For I am here for justice,
Papa! She's beautiful!
I stop dead in my tracks,
The little girl is looking right into my tearful eyes!

© Leen Queen.