

mirrored reflection

My eyes are deep and full of experience
Life has shaped my fragile mind now one of a pessimist 
Didnt I ever learn disobedience always has its consequence?
Wish my mind wasnt one of a adolence 
I dream to be accepted 
and loved for a selfless heart
But much much of my life
I felt lonely and treated more bogart
I guess, its just my luck 
With pour decisions and irrational thoughts
I kinda doomed myself from the start
I was never bred with blood of a bonaparte, 
Foolish of me to yern 
for the life of a person with a lavish start,
Atleast I'm rich in knowledge
common sense is what sets me apart 
I am one extreme to another 
And honesty is more of my curse
I never was taught to think before I  talked
My voice of not a quiet words 
I'm kinda a big pill to swallow
and one of a bitter tart 
I wished I demanded better love 
and a little less disgregard