

Heavy Heart of Silent
Thoughts dance within my mind,
one after another. Why won't they stop?
Silence. Some quiet, a safe place I need to find.
Frazzled and chaotic like some messy countertop.

"What went wrong?" and "Where have you gone?"
My heart never lied but to you it was untrue.
Errors were made by not just one. Now both are withdrawn.
Pessimistic skepticism hurts, to ghost undue.

Thoughts about you creep up each day,
from the walks, to talks, and the precious company.
Slowly, smiles turned to frowns, pushing buttons to openly say.
"Why tell me to be blunt and honest?" Instead, it was met with dark scrutiny.

Silence increases and sleep alludes me often.
A large broken, heavy heart in need of rest.
Picking up the pieces, moving above my abnegation.
Deciding depression a gnarly beast and in myself I must invest.
© Creations by Rikell