

The Voice of the Wose
"Breath deep" said the voice in my head
and when he spoke I heard the war stifle
a muffling quiet as the battle came to an end
"Feel the wind cross the pains
and know no matter the struggle,
my love for you will always remain
"You have a home here,
safe in the canopy of trees
You are guarded and known
welcomed with every crack in your bones"

It did not matter that I was lost
this world healed my spirit despite the loss
I could lay here with no cost
Among the running rivers, I was home,
free to listen to the wind in the leaves,
and the waves flowing slowly over stone
Barefoot to the ground, nothing caged me now
so I ran, beckoned by the forest's sound
Just a pebble, a fleck, a small seed in the air
surrounded by life, balanced and fair

Down a path unknown to mankind...